Tuesday, October 7, 2008





Form 4



30 minutes to one hour



Obtain important information from various fairy tales and present the information to others orally and in writing.


One computer per group of 2 – 3 students, with an Internet connection and a Web Browser.

Website : http://www.ivyjoy.com/fables/index.shtml


  1. Locate sites dedicated to fairy tales.
  2. Prepare notes concerning narrative writing and fairy tales.
  3. Using the information on the site, prepare a worksheet.


  1. Ask the students for the names of the fairy tales that they know and write them on the board.
  2. Ask them what they usually obtain from reading fairy tales.
  3. Explain to the students that the focus of the present lesson is obtaining important information from fairy tales and present their findings orally or through writing a narrative essay based on their chosen fairy tales.
  4. Give the notes on narrative writing and fairy tales to the students. Explain what narrative writing is and the structure of narrative writing to the students.
  5. Ask the students to go the chosen website. The students will have to choose the fairy tales available from the website. They can only choose fairy tales written by Hans Christian Andersen, Grimm’s’ Fairy Tales and Lewis Caroll. Give the worksheet prepared.
  6. They will have to complete the worksheet by obtaining the important information from the fairy tales chosen by them. When all the students have finished, discuss their results. Deal with any vocabulary problems they encountered and discuss any unusual facts they learnt.


  1. Ask the students to rewrite in their own words in four paragraphs, the narration for the fairy tales chosen by them.
  2. They will have to provide the moral of the story and present their story to the class.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

In-Class Task: Hypertext & Hypermedia

Gandhi was born in Porbandar, India, on October 2nd 1869. His father died when he was still a teenager. At the age of 13 he married Kasturba Gandhi who was three years younger and the marriage lasts for 62 years until her death in 1944.

As a young man Gandhi left India to study law in London. Then he spent two decades working in South Africa securing rights for Indian expatriates. It was during this time that his political reform through non-violence which he called Satyagraha was born. This movement meant resistance of tyranny through mass civil disobedience, firmly founded upon ahimsa, total non violence, which led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. This way, when he returned to India, Mohandas Gandhi emerged as a political and religious leader in the fight for independence from Great Britain and was accorded the country's Father of the Nation. India freed itself from Britain on August 15th, 1947. Five months later, on January 25th, 1948 Gandhi was shot by a conservative Hindu.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I have to change my template... (T_T) I found out that for some reason people still cannot put their comments on my blog.. so here is my blog with a new template. Feel free to comment. I'm so so sorry for the inconvenience. ;(-_-)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Any Comment?

*sigh* I tried to put more pictures on the website evaluation but there are limits so if you wanted to know more, just go to the website yeah? Another thing... you can actually put your comments on my blog, I did add the comment html thingy but it didn't really work as I planned... so, if you want to comment just point at the date or at the blog itself, you'll see lines and just click. Sorry for the inconvenience! (^_^)

Website Evaluation

TSL 641 – TASK 1
CALL/CALLT Website(s) Evaluation

Website: Multimedia English Classroom
URL: http://multimedia-english.com/

The Multimedia English Classroom website is a new page developed by Angel Castano, an English and Spanish teacher. He has been teaching Spanish and English in Poole, Dorset (UK) and also teaching English in Mexico, Peru and Spain. Currently, he is staying in Salamanca and works as a teacher trainer and a full time English teacher at the Official School of Languages in Zamora, Castile. (Spanish)
As stated in the ‘about’ section, he explained that it is easier for the students to learn and pick up the language if they are in an authentic setting. Therefore, this website is developed in order to provide the students with natural environment so that they can learn in a relaxing manner. This in return means that, the website focus more on the context rather than the content so that the students will be able to excel if they were to be put in a real situation with real native speakers.

Who are the users the website/websites is/are targeting?
The Multimedia English Classroom is a website developed for ESL students all around the world, be it teenagers or adult learners who is really interested to learn authentic, natural real English.
As its name stated, this website is a site for those who wants to have fun in their learning using multimedia materials in audio and video. It is a suitable site for students with basic knowledge of English from post-elementary to advanced level.
(This information can be found at the bottom of the page)

What sorts of things are the application users expected to do with regards to learning and using (or even manipulating!) the content?
There are a lot of things that the users can expect from this website. The website can be easily explored from the menu that can be seen on the left and right side of the home page. The users can choose from videos, music, listening exercises, lessons page, slideshows, jokes, fun activities and phonetics.
From the video page, the users can learn many things as the videos are divided into different categories. For example step by step instruction on how to do things or how to interview people. In the music section, the users will be able to watch and listen to recent music videos. The users are also given the general meaning and the language explanations of the songs.
As for the listening page, it is where the students can listen (also with visual aid) to authentic conversations, real life questions and answers videos and many more. In the lesson section on the other hand, the users will be exposed to lessons on grammar, vocabulary and even listening complete with exercise. The catch on lessons page is, it uses video and it is not the traditional teaching and learning session as the ‘teacher’ will use real life activity. For example the lesson on preposition will be done in the context on preparing meals.
There are also slideshows and jokes page where the users can improve their reading skills. In the jokes page, the users will be given the meaning of difficult words or words that are hard to understand. In the activities section, the users will get to play games, do several quizzes, filling in the blanks and also crosswords puzzles in order to check and enhance their understanding of the English Language. Lastly is the phonetic page where the users will be able to use the multimedia to learn and practice the sound of English. Another interesting page which can be found at the bottom of the homepage is the chat area where the students can chat with other English learners all over the world.
Each page will have a comment page where the author will provide explanation for each lesson. Furthermore, the users will also know the difficulty of the lesson from the indicator located at the far right on the screen.

What sorts of computer skills are the application users expected to have in order to operate/access/use the application?
This website is a tad complicated as it involved lots of video and audio materials. Apart from just the simple ‘Point and Click’ routine, handling the keyboard and the mouse, it is also important for the users to have a video player or better yet to install Flash Player first in order to play the videos. The users must also know how to enable their Java Script in order for things to run smoothly. This information is available at the homepage of the website. Other than that, the users need to have their speakers ready because the materials involved watching and listening.

While you are “playing”/”accessing”/”assessing” the website, does it remind you of anything you do (or have done) in a classroom, or with a teacher, or with a fellow classmate, or in self-study?
While playing, accessing and assessing the website some of the features do remind me with what I have done in a classroom with my students during my practicum. I used songs to teach grammar to the students, and ask the students to fill in the blanks with the correct answer. The difference here is that the students were not able to see the music video (compared to the one that they have in the website where the users can watch and listen). Some of the activities and games that they have in the website also remind me what I always did back in school, for example fill in the blanks, simple games, crossword puzzle and quizzes. The difference now is that the game provided in the website is more fun and is able to attract and held the students’ attention longer.

What setting will the website best used in: independent study lab with no teacher available, lab associated with a class, a teacher-led class with one or a few computers?
I think, this website is best used in a teacher led class with one computer or in a lab associated with a class. From my view, I think the materials in the website are best used by teachers who wanted to expose their students to the authentic setting and not just focusing on the content. For example, the teacher can use the listening exercises from the website and discuss with the students about the topic. Also, the teacher can use the music videos and ask the students to give their opinion about the songs (the general meaning of the songs, the meaning of several words). Furthermore, it will be easier for the teacher since the explanation is already given. All the teacher has to do is add on other important information and link it to their lesson.
As for lab associated with class, the teacher can use the activities that are provided in the website to test the students understanding. Through this, the students will have fun and the teacher can give immediate feedback to the students.

Can you pinpoint some theories of language learning and/or teaching underlying the application?
I believe that Communicative Language Teaching is included in this website. This is because; it focuses on the context rather than on the form. The focus of this website is to enable the students to learn the language in an authentic setting. This means that the students will focus on how the use the language (fluency) and not focus on the grammatical part (accuracy) of the language. As I have explained in the above question, the teacher acts as a facilitator or a guide and not as an all knowing person. For example the students are taught on how to use prepositions in a real life situation (while preparing a meal).

How well are the Vygotsky’s constructivist theory of learning and Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence theory applied to the chosen website?
According to Vygotsky’s constructivist theory, “social interaction plays a fundamental role in the process of cognitive development.” (Encyclopedia of Education Technology). Students’ interaction with each other is encouraged in order for learning to take place. From my point of view, it really depends on the situation. Vygotsky’s theory can be applied if the website is used in a teacher led class, where the teacher will act as a facilitator and the students work in groups. However, the theory does not really apply to the website if the user (student) is trying to learn on his/her own.
As for Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence theory, there is some of his theory applied in the website. I think the website include the verbal/linguistic intelligence since most of the activities and lessons available in the website include reading and sometimes writing activities which is very suitable for those who are verbally/linguistically intelligent.
Other than that, it also includes visual/spatial intelligence as well as musical/rhythmic intelligence because the students will be exposed to the audio and visual materials (the name of the website says it all – multimedia) available in the website.

In 1980s and early 1990s there was a major debate on whether the computer was ‘master’ of or ‘slave’ to the learning process (Higgins and Johns, 1984). In relation to your evaluation – is the computer a replacement for teachers, or merely an obedient servant to students?
After evaluating the website, I think that the website is an obedient servant to the students. As I have explained in Question 5, the students still very much need the teacher’s guidance in order to fully understand the lesson and to fully utilize the website. Even if there are explanations and comments given after each video, music, listening activities, lessons and others, the students still need the teacher to explain and add other important information. If not the students may just use the website without really accomplishing their goals, that is to learn English in an authentic setting. That is why as I have stated above, I think that this website should be used in a teacher led class.
From my opinion, I think that the computer can never be a replacement for teachers. Even though nowadays computers are already used worldwide, teachers are still needed and are still very important in the education setting. From my point of view, I think computer can be considered as tools just like books that we used in order to help the students to learn better.

Would you like to use the website yourself in your future work?
Yes! This website is undoubtedly fun and it exposes the students to the real and authentic use of the English language. Moreover, the materials used (for example for the music page) is very up to date and it unquestionably will be able to attract the students attention. The students will be more comfortable and eager to learn in an environment that they know and they can accept. This website will certainly help the students to become more confident in themselves while using English and it is also suitable for students who wanted to further their studies overseas.

This website is very new and the author just developed it and it is still constantly ‘under construction’. However, I think it will be better for the website if it also provides lessons and materials for the beginner levels. From my point of view, multimedia can be a lot of help for beginner level learners and those who are having problems learning English. Adding to the fact that the website focuses on the context rather than the content, the students will surely be able to catch on quickly because they do not have to worry about their grammar. This in return will help them to easily learn English, move to the next level and achieve their goals.

If you want to try and have a look at the website click here!
Noriyiah Binti Berawi

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fun Learning!

Well, the address itself said it all. There are a lot of things in the website. This website is interesting and it makes learning fun. It provides a lot of helpful things for ESL learners such as providing songs, jokes and tounge twisters. What makes this website different is that, they provide mp3s and audios that help the learners to listen and follow the correct way of pronouncing certain words. The website also provide navigation menus in Japanese which will be very helpful for Japanese learners. It also provide games and quizzes for the learners which can be seen above. Learning is certainly more fun this way!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Just Drag and Drop!

*sigh* At last I was able to post the first in class assignment after several times trying to log in, uploading the picture, I did it! So here it is, the 'Just Drag and Drop' activity. It's simple, all the students have to do is to find the correct meaning for each idiom and drag it into the correct box.

Trying again...

Hope this time I can make it work... (-_-) huh...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Blogging... Easy?

whoever said blogging was easy... I think maybe it is... but since my trusted laptop cannot be trusted anymore I have to say... even trying to post the pictures of the class assignment is hard... ;(-_-)